Jobs of the future will be more flexible, agile, networked and connected according to the latest CSIRO and Australian Computer Society’s report into the future of our workforce. All industries will be affected by automation and there will be more demand for people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics knowledge in future.
“We have an economy in transition and we need to upskill our current workforce to they can anticipate the jobs of the future,” said one of the authors. “They will need to develop skills, capabilities and aptitudes which complement (not compete with) artificial intelligence, computerised systems and robotics.”
The report also states there will be an increase in casual workers and “the ideal job within a large organisation may not be awaiting an increasing number of future job seekers. This means individuals will need to create their own job, requiring entrepreneurial skills and aptitudes.”
Perhaps the role of the mentor may have even greater significance as education, the ability to adapt to change and accelerated learning paths become ever more important?
Click for for the full report Tomorrow’s Digitally Enabled Workforce: Megatrends and Scenarios for jobs and employment in Australia over the next twenty years